You can switch on the “Open file after publishing” setting to tell Excel to open the PDF file in Adobe Reader (assuming you have it installed) after it saves the file. How to Create a Semester Assignment Spreadsheet + FREE Semester Planning Sheet 1. In the unlikely case that you want to go beyond those limits—say, if you’re tracking blades of grass on the White House lawn—you’ll need to create a new worksheet. AutoRecover comes switched on when you install Excel, but you can tweak its settings. If you see something else (like a tiny paint palette, for example), you need to make a logical guess as to what type of file it is. Most people are happy to have the ribbon sit at the top of the Excel window, with all its buttons on hand. Older versions don’t support these features. Unless you work with extremely complex or large spreadsheets—which might suck up a lot of computing power and take a long time to save—you can set Excel to save a document every 5 minutes with no appreciable slowdown in performance. To see the list of possibilities, right-click the status bar (Figure 1-8). When you launch Excel, you start at the Home tab. The R1C1 format reverses the order of conventional cell addressing. Overwrite mode changes how cell edits work. Top: If you enter both first and last names in a single column, you can sort the column only by first name. Farther to the right of the status bar are the view buttons, which let you switch to Page Layout view or Page Break Preview. You can turn this feature on or off by selecting File→Options, choosing the Advanced section, and then looking under “Editing options” to find the “Automatically insert a decimal point” setting. The Ribbon is the central control panel of Excel. In the beginning of a semester, you get a syllabus for each class you’re taking. A worksheet can span an eye-popping 16,000 columns and 1 million rows. The Add-Ins tab appears when you open workbooks created in previous versions of Excel that use custom toolbars. Adding Semesters: In the Course History worksheet, you can include additional semesters by copying the set of rows for one of the semesters and inserting/pasting the set of rows at the bottom. To input a formula, click once on the cell in which you wish to enter a formula. Then, get the closing prices for both your fund and the proxy to create a conversion (e.g. 4.1 illustrates a typical spreadsheet for keeping track of student grades. When it is, you can use the numeric keypad (typically on the right side of your keyboard) to type in numbers more quickly. This takes you to the Open page in Excel’s backstage view. Click the button and the missing commands appear in a drop-down panel. This is a Windows-specific folder that many programs assume you use for all your files. Once you save the current version of a file, Excel overwrites the older version and it’s lost forever.). You don’t necessarily need to worry about all these versions of Excel. Excel features some nifty SkyDrive integration features. In other words, the ribbon isn’t just a convenient tool, it’s also a great way to explore Excel. Choose Computer to see a list of locations on your hard drive. Excel groups the buttons within a tab into smaller sections for clearer organization. Scroll mode is a great way to check out another part of your spreadsheet without leaving your current position. Protected view is an Excel security feature that aims to keep you safe. Once your work passes through the Compatibility Checker, you’re ready to save it. It’s composed of several files that are compressed and then packaged together as a single unit. There are instructions that come with the template so you can easily customize the template and use it for your own schedule right away. However, PDF is dramatically more popular and widespread, so it’s the one to stick with for now. Sadly, the only solution is to open the files one at a time, or rename one of them. Your email address will not be published. The letters R and C tell you which part of the address represents the row number and which part is the column number. This system makes it easy to tell the difference between the two, and it lets you use short cell addresses like A10, B4, and H99. This Semester Schedule Template is a beautifully designed template that allows you to organize and categorize your activities, especially if you are a college student or even on your post-graduate studies. Either way, Excel opens the familiar Save As window, where you type in a name for your file (Figure 1-22). The Class List is where you enter your classes and class schedule for the semester and the duration for each class is automatically calculated. The Macro Recording indicator shows a record button (which looks like a red circle superimposed on a worksheet) that lets you start recording a new macro. Problems that affect Excel 2007 or earlier. The Weekly Schedule data is from your class list and can be automatically updated by simply right clicking on the schedule or data and hitting Refresh. If you write a calculation in Excel 2013 that uses BASE(), the calculation won’t work in Excel 2010. Use a free add-in for older versions of Excel. It aligns numbers and dates on the right, and text on the left. If your computer crashes mid-edit, the next time you open Excel you may see the same file listed twice in the Document Recovery window, as shown in Figure 1-29. Another option is to turn on text wrapping so you can fit multiple lines of text in a single cell, as described on Alignment and Orientation. You can ignore the Compatibility Checker issues, click Find to hunt each one down, or click Help to figure out the exact problem. Edit mode looks like ordinary text-entry mode, but you can use the arrow keys to position your cursor in the text you’re editing. First, there’s the closely related .xlsm, which lets you store macro code with your spreadsheet data. POWER USERS’ CLINIC: Under the Hood with .xlsx Files. You can save a copy of your spreadsheet in the traditional .xls standard Microsoft has supported since Excel 97. The smallest unit in your worksheet is the cell. Instead, macro-containing files must be saved as .xlsm or .xlsb files. By default, Excel aligns the items in a column according to their data type. Formulas are mathematical instructions that perform calculations. For example, hit End and then Home to move to the bottom-right cell in your worksheet. To find this setting, choose the Advanced section, and then scroll to the General group of settings. Instead, hit the shortcut key Ctrl+N while you’re in the worksheet grid. The left side of the page includes the Places list, which matches the list in the Save As page with one addition: Recent Workbooks. Fortunately, you can change cell addressing at any time using the Excel Options window. Here’s how it works: When you press Alt, letters magically appear over every tab in the ribbon. You can configure how often AutoRecover backs up your files. How to Create a Semester Assignment Spreadsheet. You can just create your spreadsheets, save them, and let Excel take care of the rest. If you want to keep track of more recent work and aren’t deterred by a long Recent Documents list, choose the Advanced section, scroll down to the Display group of settings, and then change the “Show this number of Recent Workbooks.” You can pick any number from 0 to 50. It doesn’t work if you try to use one of the few commands that don’t exist any longer. Every spreadsheet file can hold a virtually unlimited number of worksheets, as you’ll learn in Chapter 4. Turn on the “Check compatibility when saving this workbook” checkbox. Click this, and you’ll see up to 25 of the most recent spreadsheet files you worked on. Why settle for the plain-vanilla Open command when you have all these choices? To turn Extended selection on or off, press F8. Excel uses proportional fonts, in which different letters take up different amounts of room. But before you start your journey, here’s a quick overview of what each tab provides. People with past-its-prime versions of Excel can find the add-in by surfing to and searching for “compatibility pack file formats” (or use the secret shortcut URL Figure 1-5 shows how to adjust the column width for proper breathing room. (You’ll learn more about XML in Chapter 28.) Under the “Save workbooks” section, make sure you have “Save AutoRecover information” turned on. SharePoint. You can make it two, three, four, or many more lines large. Put the cell in edit mode by pressing F2 or by double-clicking inside it. If you already have a workbook on the go, that workbook remains open in a separate Excel window. Top: The standard width of an Excel column is 8.43 characters, which hardly allows you to get a word in edgewise. It displays the address of the active cell (like A1) on the left edge, and it shows you the current cell’s contents. Obviously, once you go beyond 26 columns, you run out of letters. The standard folder works fine for most people, but feel free to pick some other place. Either way, you end up at the Save As page in backstage view (Figure 1-21). If your computer does crash, when you get it running again, you can easily retrieve your last AutoRecover backup. Every Excel grandmaster needs to start somewhere. The template includes a handy four-month calendar to help you visualize your schedule, especially when your deliverables are getting progress or are already done. When it is, Excel automatically adds a set number of decimal places to the values you enter in any cell. Choose the Save section, look under the “Save workbooks” heading, and then change the “Save files in this format” setting by choosing another file type from the list. You’ll learn more about SkyDrive and the Excel Web App in Chapter 23. However, Excel always displays the upload status when needed, and this setting doesn’t seem to have any effect. Steps: Open Microsoft Excel. It scans your spreadsheet for features and formulas that will cause problems in Excel 2010 or Excel 2007. To use the Compatibility Checker, follow these steps: Click the Check for Issues button, and choose Check Compatibility. This grid takes up most of the Excel window. 170. The advantage of putting a file on SkyDrive is that you can open and edit it from another Excel-equipped computer, without needing to worry about copying or emailing the file. If Excel did not open a new spreadsheet for you, click on the "Create a New Microsoft Office Document" and then choose the "Blank Workbook" option. There’s really no danger in being too frequent. Figure 1-18. There are multiple benefits of a spreadsheet-like it will save time and a user can create his own spreadsheet. While the Compatibility Checker points out potential problems after the fact, compatibility mode is designed to prevent you from using unsupported features in the first place. This free Semester Schedule Template for Excel contains four categories that you can access in two ways: by clicking the color-coded worksheet tabs or by toggling through the header buttons below the spreadsheet title. The Quick Access toolbar puts the Save, Undo, and Redo commands right at your fingertips. Most don’t relate to spreadsheets at all, so click Blank Document on the top left corner, then click Create. The leftmost area shows Cell Mode, which displays one of three indicators: Ready means that Excel isn’t doing anything much at the moment, other than waiting to execute a command. How to Create a Semester Assignment Spreadsheet. Problems that affect Excel 2010 or earlier. Choose the Save section, and then look under the “Save workbooks” heading for the “Default file location” text box. Create a master assignment list and tracker: Finally, create a master assignment list for your classes. Figure 1-19. Stores the name of the product that you bought. folder, and create a new folder called Spreadsheet Documents Some background about spreadsheets Fig. To move to the previous spreadsheet, use the shortcut key Ctrl+Shift+Tab or Ctrl+Shift+F6. This is particularly useful when a cell contains a formula or a large amount of information. This is the Quick Access toolbar (or QAT, to Excel nerds). Change the file extension to .zip. (You can also quickly remove the contents of a cell by moving to the cell and pressing Delete, which clears its contents.). This feature comes in handy if you’re about to start editing a spreadsheet and want to be able to look at the last version you saved. By now, this whole process probably seems hopelessly impractical. This sort of AutoRecover backup is called a draft, and it’s discussed in more detail on AutoRecover. It’s where you’ll perform all your work, such as entering data, writing formulas, and reviewing the results. This one tracks household expenses, but you can use the same approach with any basic worksheet. Optionally, you can set the Compatibility Checker to run automatically for this workbook. To save a file to one of these locations, select the folder. Your data is the star of the show. That means that an Excel 2013 fan can exchange files with an Excel 2010 devotee, and there won’t be any technical problems. The difference is in the status: “[Autosaved]” indicates the most recent backup Excel created, while “[Original]” means the last version of the file you saved (which is safely stored on your hard drive, right where you expect it). You’ll learn how to deal with this challenge in the following sections. Ordinarily, you’ll save your spreadsheets in the modern .xlsx format, which is described in the next section. However, there’s another option—you can resize the formula bar so that it fits more information, as shown in Figure 1-9. For example, you can turn off “Excel 97-2003” if you don’t want to catch problems that affect only these versions of Excel. The status bar combines several types of information. This seldom-used featured is handy for speed typists who need to enter reams of data in a fixed format. Instead, you need to close the workbook and reopen it. AutoRecover periodically saves backup copies of your spreadsheet while you work. Excel doesn’t let you use some pivot table features. For example, if you plan to share your files with Excel 2010 users but not with people using Excel 2007 or older, you don’t need to pay attention to the first two categories, because they don’t affect your peeps. To keep a spreadsheet on the Recent Documents list, click the thumbtack on the right. The Free Semester Schedule Template for Excel contains four categories that can be accessed by either clicking the color-coded tabs under the spreadsheets or by clicking on the headers above the spreadsheet title. Figure 1-26. Figure 1-23. Once you turn this checkbox on, you can choose the number of decimal places displayed (the standard option is 2). When you open a file, Excel loads it into a new window. In this example, Caps Lock mode is currently off and the Cell Mode text says “Ready.”. Or you can use the mouse: When you start typing in the formula bar, a checkmark and an “X” icon appear just to the left of the box where you’re typing. To see them, choose File→Options. If you don’t see the file you want in the list of recent workbooks, you can choose one of the other locations in the Places list. You can’t actually see the menu, because it doesn’t exist in Excel 2013, but the tooltip lets you know that Excel is paying attention. The differences between Excel 2010 and Excel 2013 are small, but the differences between Excel 2003 and Excel 2013 are more significant. OR – Just press Ctrl + N: To create a new spreadsheet. Figure 1-3. You can tweak margins, paper orientation, and other page settings. The result is that you can still use your menu shortcuts, but they work in a slightly different way. The “Publish as PDF” window gives you some control over the quality of your printout using the “Optimize for” options. For now, click the “Blank workbook” picture to create a new spreadsheet with no formatting or data. For a simple expense worksheet designed to keep a record of your most prudent and extravagant purchases, try the following three headings: Date Purchased. You can tell Excel to automatically open a whole group of spreadsheet files every time it starts up. Here’s a copy of the spreadsheet they gave you (the HR asked to blot out the names of the employees for their sake ): The first step is to highlight the range of data including the headers. You’ll also notice that Excel highlights the corresponding column letter (C) and row number (6) at the edges of the worksheet. The formula bar (just above the grid) displays information about the active cell. In compatibility mode, these missing features aren’t anywhere to be found. If you use a password to restrict people from opening the spreadsheet, Excel prompts you to supply the “password to open” the next time you open the file (Figure 1-27, top). Are you really expected to memorize dozens of accelerator key combinations? If you’re an unredeemed keyboard lover, you’ll be happy to hear that you can trigger ribbon commands with the keyboard. Data lets you get information from an outside data source (like a heavy-duty database) so you can analyze it in Excel. You can do just about everything you need to directly from the Ribbon. When you click one, you see a whole new collection of buttons (Figure 1-10). If you’re lazy, you can save the file to your desktop so you can manipulate it right there. For example, you can check its compatibility with older versions of Excel (Chapter 1) and lock your document to prevent other people from changing numbers (Chapter 24). The columns and rows can be extended by highlighting sections and right clicking and choosing the high of the row. If your task is simple, the progress indicator may disappear before you even have a chance to notice it. When it is, Excel automatically capitalizes every letter you type. For example, C6 is the address of a cell in column C (the third column) and row 6 (the sixth row). This is the most common option. A Semester Assignment Spreadsheet is the best way to keep your due dates organized in college! Depending on the type of problem, you might not lose any information at all. Nothing stops you from scattering numbers and text in random cells. Most Excel fans prefer the new .xlsx file format, which Excel uses every time you save a new file (unless you explicitly choose another option in the “Save as type” list). Signatures, Information Management Policy, and Permissions. → Practice Exercise: Let’s make a change to the Costs for the Fall and Spring semester spreadsheet and note how Excel automatically recalculates the formulas and functions we have already entered. II. For example, if you save or print a document, the status bar shows the progress of the save operation or print job. Shows the three view buttons that let you switch between Normal view, Page Layout view, and Page Break Preview. POWER USERS’ CLINIC: Handy Options for Opening and Saving Files. As you enter data, you may discover the Bigtime Excel Display Problem (known to aficionados as BEDP): Cells in adjacent columns can overlap one another. To apply one or both of these restrictions to your spreadsheet, follow these steps: Choose File→Save As, and then choose a location. When you set up Excel, you can supply the email address and password you use for Microsoft services like Hotmail, Messenger, and SkyDrive, Microsoft’s online file-storage system. First, whenever you save a file in .xls format, Excel automatically runs the Compatibility Checker to check for problems. Figure 1-1. You can publish just a fixed number of pages, just selected cells, and so on. , charts, and 4 ) select button on the far left a detailed list of the time, File→Save. Mode, pressing these how to create a semester spreadsheet just moves you to another section, and then look under the “ R1C1 style. Related to the new width who ’ s lost forever. ) title bar at the ready mode at! To pass around product manuals, brochures, and other page settings expenses, but work. The calculations referencing cell C2 automatically changed worked on check Compatibility when this! Password to open the HTML file be many sheets inside of a type... 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