Safe Meat. ... pork, lamb and fish, 160°F for anything involving ground beef, like burgers and 165°F for all poultry. While the company has worked with Australian feedlot specialists such as Mort . You most definitely have a ‘knack’ for it. To measure the effect of dry versus wet ageing, … Both these systems are internationally accepted. This accounts for much of the taste difference. Good to read some facts backing this up, thanks for the links. All Australian red meat must be safe to eat How do I make sure my livestock are safe to eat? Taiwan's Richest. Browse more videos. Which makes it the same as any other beef in Australia. Animals have to be free range, and have access to pastures and pesticide free and GMO free food for their whole lives. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'hellonaturalliving_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_3',113,'0','0']));Cattle can be certified grass fed by PCAS (Pasturefed Cattle Assurance System). ACO is one of the most recognisable. Place veggies in the centre of the plate and the beef around the outside. As always, the answer is to look for certification if 100% grass fed is important to you. I myself, have been choosing organic beef and organic chicken. Although, there seems to be a lot more opportunity to buy organic chicken than organic beef in and around the Sunshine Coast. NFF and Safe Work Australia partner to produce videos showcasing best practice in health and safety on the farm. In the steak-loving United States, however, that is not the case.Which is too bad, considering lamb is flavorful, versatile, and good for you. Yet another reason for us to treat our livestock ethically! Like grass fed, anyone can claim that their meat is organic, so to truly know what you’re getting, you need to look out for one of the certified organic logos. Because so much of our livestock are raised on pasture and natural grasslands, care for the land is critical to our success around the globe. ... Australia's Richest. Is eating meat processed by these plants safe? Cattlecare and Flockcare are farm-based quality assurance programs that follow HACCP principles to avoid contamination problems. The animals from which the product was derived were subjected to ante-mortem and post-mortem veterinary inspection and were found to be free of contagious or infectious disease. If you’re eating red meat in Australia, you definitely do not need to worry about the quality or safety of it. Report. Department of Agriculture. Updated 23 May 2018, 3:05amWed 23 May 2018, 3:05am. For a fast, safe and tasty result, follow our expert tips: Reheat your beef dish in individual portions. If you google organic vs grass fed vs grain fed beef, you’ll find a heap of articles from the US. But what about beef in Australia? The Australian beef industry has earned an excellent reputation worldwide because of its commitment to producing consistent quality, safe and wholesome products that meet customer specifications and consumer requirements. Stay tuned!eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'hellonaturalliving_com-banner-1','ezslot_6',122,'0','0'])); Do you go out of your way to buy grass fed or organic beef? Playing next. If you want to buy grass fed beef that’s never been grain fed, you need to look for the PCAS certification. I … Cover with a microwave lid or microwave-safe plastic wrap to trap steam and keep the meal moist. In the beef sector DA beef is typically double the price of its wet-aged equivalent cut. When I was researching this article, I saw lots of comments from industry bodies that happy cattle produce better meat and more of it. There’s a big difference between the way that cattle are raised in Australia from the way that cattle are raised in the US. Coles, Woolworths and Aldi have all recognised that customers will pay a premium for grass fed beef. I totally agree with you. Zero Waste in the Kitchen: Finding a Cling Wrap Alternative That Works, Eco Coffee at Home: Your Guide to Organic Coffee, Plus Biodegradable and Reusable Coffee Pods, All your breastfeeding essentials: recommended by mums, Eco Coffee: The Best Reusable Coffee Cups, The Best Natural Toothpaste: A Cheat Sheet. eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'hellonaturalliving_com-box-4','ezslot_5',114,'0','0']));There’s no single standard for organic meat in Australia, but there are a number of certified organic producers. In this blog, I share my journey to live more naturally, exploring low tox, eco and organic options for skincare, beauty, your home and your family. Grass fed cattle can still be fed grain, but this usually only happens if the pasture is poor and their feed needs supplementing. Australian beef, safe and healthy. Grass fed beef comes from beef cattle raised in pastures, rather than on feed lots. Strict processes and procedures have been implemented to ensure the integrity of beef, lamb, sheepmeat and goatmeat for consumers and customers alike. If you’re eating red meat in Australia, you definitely do not need to worry about the quality or safety of it. Export processing plants must adhere to Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). Yet, while this practice is widespread, there are safety concerns you should consider. There’s a great explanation of the differences between Australian and US feedlots here. There have been a few articles in the newspapers saying that Aldi is misleading consumers with it’s grass fed claims. The Australian beef industry has earned an excellent reputation worldwide because of its commitment to producing consistent quality, safe and wholesome products that meet customer specifications and consumer requirements. When cattle eat only native forages, they upcycle the nutrients, including omega 3 essential fatty acids, conjugated linoleic acid, and antioxidants like beta-carotene and vitamin E. Grain fed cattle ― even certified Angus and wagyu ― don’t. ShopRite can sell foreign beef for $4.99 a pound, compared with $10 or more a pound for American, grass-fed beef, because costs are so much lower in Australia. Select the applicable option below. The same goes for naturally raised Australian lamb. But U.S. producers say they still have an … It’s more expensive for farmers to feed cattle grain, and in Australia, we’re lucky to have lots of good grazing land. Thanks, Maryanne. Processing facilities have HACCP-based programs that fully comply with USDA's regulations including those for pathogen reduction, sanitation and food safety. Other markets prefer their cattle to be grain fed. Image By Ryan Thompson on Flickr/U.S. One of the major differences is that Australian grain fed cattle spend 85-90% of their lives in pastures. I’ll be posting again soon about chicken, and my gut feeling is that chicken is one meat that you should always be buying organic. Beef Australia is the premier event of its kind in the Southern Hemisphere, attracting over 100,000 visitors from throughout Australia and the world, over an action packed week. Australia's meat safety programs identify food safety and quality assurance as top priorities, and embrace Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) and the principles of ISO 9002 certification. Thank you for this, again, well explained article. Organic meats also have to be processed without synthetic colours, flavours, preservatives etc. Should we be concerned about grain fed or grass fed, or should we only be buying organic?eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'hellonaturalliving_com-box-3','ezslot_11',118,'0','0'])); A few years ago, my husband and I were living in a rural area of Australia, and we got to know a few cattle farmers. They must be grass fed their whole lives. Therefore, it requires long, moist cooking. No cattle in Australia spend their whole lives in a feedlot. Fin fish: 145°F (62.8°C) or until the flesh is opaque and separates easily. I live in a Korea, where both US and Australian beef are available. The Australian Beef Industry PwC 4 4 Australian beef production and its markets Similar to other agricultural commodities Australia produces just 3.9% of the world’s beef, however over 60% of production is exported. Thank you for this! Now that I’ve researched Australian beef standards, I’d have to agree with him. Bib ID: 3698613: Format: Book, Online, : Online Access: Publisher site. Aldi’s grass fed beef meets Meat Standards Australia’s quality standards, but these standards allow grain supplementing if pastures are poor. With Australian cattle raised predominately on pasture, Australian grassfed beef products are lean and naturally contain 13 essential nutrients required for good health, including Iron, Zinc, Omega-3 … In fact, Joyce Farms is one of only a few grass-fed beef producers in the country that elects to have our beef USDA quality graded. As an example, Wagyu beef is grain fed. The safety, quality and integrity of red meat is very importance to the Australian red meat and livestock industry. US grain fed cattle are also fed primarily on corn, whereas here they eat mainly wheat, barley or sorghum. Corned beef is made from one of several less tender cuts of beef like the brisket, rump or round. That’s not always the case in other countries. The Beef Hormone Dispute is one of the most intractable agricultural controversies since the establishment of the World Trade Organization (WTO).. Safe Food is thrilled to be part of Beef Australia 2021 (2-8 May) in Rockhampton. Safe and wholesome products For Aussie beef, lamb and goat producers, care for animals and the environment are at the core of what we do. Delivering safe chicken meat products to Australian consumers is an imperative for the chicken industry and significant effort is put into minimising contamination of chicken meat with these bacteria. In order to ensure the quality and integrity of our beef, sheepmeat and goatmeat – and protect this valuable reputation – MLA and the wider red meat industry have implemented a number of traceability and quality assurance programs. It has sometimes been called the "beef war" in the media, similarly to the UK–EU Beef war over the mad cow disease issue, creating some confusion, since these two wars overlapped in time.. Payton Brent. Simply driving through the country and seeing all those cows grazing on pasture got me thinking that our cattle are are surely treated much better than their U.S. cousins. Handling of the raw chicken in the kitchen then becomes crucial to maintaining safety of the chicken meat. Required fields are marked *, Copyright 2018 © Hello Natural Living. Australian beef exports safe despite Chinese state media threat, industry body says. 5 years ago | 50 views. Corned beef may still be pink in color after cooking. What’s your opinion? Your email address will not be published. Australia is a safe and reliable supplier of beef products to Taiwan. Tariffs on Australian beef into China will jump from less than 5 per cent to 12 per cent for six months, with increases also expected on whole milk powder as preferential tariffs are withdrawn. These are audited by the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQIS) and the U.S. Food Safety Inspection Service (FSIS). In New Zealand (where there are more sheep than people), as well as certain parts of the Middle East and the Mediterranean, lamb is the top choice when it comes to meat. Our beef is internationally recognised for being safe, wholesome, natural, tender, juicy and high-quality. In order to ensure yourself a safe beef-eating experience, you need to make sure that you are purchasing, handling, storing and preparing your beef products safely. A lot of the grass-fed beef sold in the U.S. now comes from Australia because it's cheaper and available year-round. We have incredibly high standards for the health and welfare of our beef cattle. Organic is the best of the best when it comes to animal welfare and what the animal is being fed on, as well as what they’re being supplemented with. However, grass fed beef has yellower fat, and some markets prefer whiter fat, so these cattle are ‘grain finished’. All rights Reserved, I’m Vanessa Layton. I can't tell the difference visually between American and Australian, though Korean beef is much fattier. Quality assurance and meat safety begins on the farm. Australian grass-fed beef is not only delicious, it’s also lean and healthy. At the supermarket This means that Australia is typically one of the three largest beef exporters alongside America and Brazil. I’ve been blogging and researching eco products and natural living since 2004, and I’m the founder of By Michael Walsh. Australian Beef is the home of beef for Australians. All Australian red meat is clearly labeled for product traceback. Sprinkle beef with a little water or stock to prevent it drying out. I’m not sure why they don’t just use PCAS certification so that it’s clearer for consumers, but then that’s one of the reasons that I don’t shop at supermarkets. But before we get on to that, let’s have a look at what grain fed, grass fed and organic beef really means.eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'hellonaturalliving_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_0',112,'0','0'])); Cattle in Australia have to be fed grain for more than 60 days before they’re classified as grain fed. It is also less fat, and tougher. Australia’s reputation for producing clean, green and safe red meat products is a major factor underpinning our exporting success. Grass fed beef is all about the grass. Coles introduced their own grass fed standards, which they say are based on PCAS standards. One would expect that this should be a world-wide standard, especially from a developed country like Australia, where we need our overseas markets to take the majority of the beef slaughtered in Australia. Why Australian beef isn't served more in American steak houses is a big question. 2:07. I've also lived in New Zealand and are a lot of beef there. Our team have gathered loads of delicious and healthy recipes to plan your next meal. Australia also has a national tracking system (NLIS) that means every single animal’s movement is tracked through the whole of its life. He reckoned that the only reason he’d buy beef from a butcher is if he wanted it aged a bit more. Browse our cooking tips to learn how to buy, prepare and cook beef using the best techniques straight from the Australian beef experts. & Co in the past, it wants to export beef to China under its own brand in … All Australian processing plants are required to operate under an Australian standard that mandates the use of HACCP in their meat safety programs. Animals are treated ethically, from ensuring that they live in a natural social environment, and their general welfare, to the way that they are transported to abbatoirs. The beef or beef product(s) is considered fit for human consumption. In the US, it is acknowledged that maturity of the beef animal has a direct effect on the tenderness of that beef. Australian beef is mostly grass fed and not fattened up on a feed lot. In Australia DA is expected to bring new value of $3.5 million to the sheep meat industry with a 20-30% premium over wet-aged lamb. It can be cooked on top of the stove or in the oven, microwave or slow cooker. In Australia, 97% of sheep and cattle are grass fed at any one time. Yes (and no). ® 2012, Clayton’s Organic Beef, All Rights Reserved. I also have an inkling that chicken is another story.. I remember one of them telling me that he’s quite happy to buy beef from the supermarket, because Australian beef is so good. PCAS Certified grass fed cattle can never be fed grains. Farming standards include ways of protecting soil, air and water quality, as well as working to protect natural habitats. Your email address will not be published. Instead of drilling into the meaning of every label, let’s focus on the big picture first. Generally speaking, organic meat is grown and produced without synthetic fertilisers, pesticides, growth hormones or antibiotics. You’ll also find lots of scare articles from ‘wellness’ sites and paleo sites about why you should only eat grass fed or organic beef. Beef in Australia is among the best, if not the best, in the world. Their standards do say that there are no grain products allowed to be fed to cattle. Beef has a wider safety range, but lovers of rare meat are safer sticking to steaks, roasts, and chops. The following information is adapted from Australian Beef and Meat Safety. Keep food safety in mind when preparing corned beef. Australian beef, safe and healthy. The Australian red meat industry has developed a series of integrated quality assurance programs that are part of the industry's commitment to quality, safety and integrity. MLA has created a series of online resources that include checklists, templates and guidelines to help beef producers plan and implement health and safety initiatives. Eating raw meat is a common practice in many cuisines around the world. You can now buy grass fed beef in supermarkets. But if you’re on a budget, and you’re wondering what you should be buying organic, I’d have to argue that beef shouldn’t be a priority. So while it’s good meat, it’s not worth the extra money that you’re paying for something that says ‘grass fed’. Traceback systems allow communication through the supply chain. Follow. : Online Access: Publisher site pastures and pesticide free and GMO free food for their whole lives buy from!, sanitation and food safety in mind when preparing corned beef steam and the... Find a heap of articles from the Australian beef exports safe despite Chinese state media threat industry! Fed vs grain fed cattle spend 85-90 % of their lives in pastures, than... 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