5 Stephen V. Rice, “Carl Sawyer,” SABR BioProject, sabr.org/bioproj/person/bf817fe2, accessed May 10, 2020. Game attendance more than doubled — from 2,830,613 in 1918 to 6,532,439 in 1919. John “Beans” Reardon, left, wearing a flu mask underneath his umpire’s mask, prepares to call a pitch in a California Winter League game on January 26, 1919, in Pasadena, California. Overall, the war and the pandemic slashed MLB game attendance by over half from what it was in the previous season. Seattle was the venue for the 1919 Stanley Cup. A batter, catcher, and umpire stand at home plate, all wearing cloth masks over their mouth and nose. 13 The ballpark was located near the current site of the Norton Simon Art Museum next to Carmelita Gardens. Marty Klinkenberg. By 1919, the war and the pandemic were over, and a tidal wave of baseball fans swelled into stadiums. The 1918 flu pandemic had lessons to teach us about future pandemics and preparedness efforts. Flu masks were common in 1918 and 1919 during the influenza pandemic. In 1919, these Red Cross nurses in Boston prepared bundles of masks to be distributed to soldiers. ... September 5 – Tom Jordan, Major League Baseball player (died 2019) September 6 Lee Archer, U.S. fighter pilot (died 2010) September 9 – Barbara Fiske Calhoun, American WWII cartoonist and painter; co-founded Quarry Hill Creative Center in Rochester, Vermont, where she taught art and helped establish the ideals of the … Overall, the war and the pandemic slashed MLB game attendance by over half from what it was in the previous season. 21 “Pasadena Repeals Mask Ordinance,” Santa Barbara Daily News, January 31, 1919. In 1918, San Francisco's Civic Center complex served as an emergency Navy flu hospital. The “Spanish flu,” as it was sometimes called at the time, lasted just 15 months but killed, according to best estimates today, between 50 million and 100 million worldwide. Doc Crandall, who pitched all 11 innings for Standard, worked around two singles to retire the side in the bottom half. During any pandemic, nurses are on the front lines of the battle against disease. In the winter of 1916-17, with World War I still raging in Europe, reports of a new disease — one with a rapid onset and high spreadability — circled through the camp. 7 Bill Francis, “1918 Flu Pandemic Did Not Spare Baseball,” National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum, baseballhall.org/discover/1918-flu-pandemic-didnt-spare-baseball, accessed May 10, 2020. The World Series between the Boston Red Sox and Chicago Cubs was played in early September. George Halas, who would make his major-league baseball debut with the New York Yankees a few months later before going on to a legendary NFL coaching career with the Chicago Bears, was named the game’s MVP after leading the Illinois-based Great Lakes Naval Station team to a 17-0 win in front of 25,000 fans at Tournament Park.8, The Rose Bowl crowd was small by football standards, but that many people gathering together in one place likely helped contribute to a deadly third wave of the flu striking early in the new year. Image: Topical Press Agency/Getty Images. Pasadena tied the game 9-9 with two runs in the bottom of the ninth inning, but Standard rallied to win in the 11th. Harsh lessons were learned more than 100 years ago, although few paid heed at the time. "The numbers are staggering.". These officers were in charge of the War Influenza Camp in Lawrence, Massachusetts. The death toll ended up being much higher there than in cities with stricter lockdowns. Of course, all plans for the event are contingent upon the status of public health in … Tragic scenes like this played out in homes around the world, because between 40 and 100 million people were killed by the 1918–1919 flu pandemic, including 4,000 Albertans. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak that was officially recognized as a global pandemic last week, the 2020 MLB season has been delayed indefinitely. In 1919, by the time the Spanish flu had largely run its course in Manitoba, the virus had killed more than 1,200 people in the provincial capital. Among the players depicted were Shoeless Joe Jackson of the White Sox and Edd Roush of the Reds, who would meet up in a fateful World Series that October along with Chick Gandil and Fred McMullin, two participants from the California flu-mask game. A patient wears a flu nozzle. sports-reference.com/cfb/bowls/rose-bowl.html. The 1918, 1919, 1972, 1981, 1985, 1994-95 seasons were shortened. The fans in the wooden bleachers are wearing masks, too. Buses were sprayed with anti-flu disinfectants. It was caused by an H1N1 virus with genes of avian origin. Colonel T.L. As humans have spread across the world, so have infectious diseases. 1955: The World Series MVP Award was given for the first time, with Brooklyn's Johnny Podres taking the honor. Copyright © 2021 CBS Interactive Inc.All rights reserved. Red Cross workers inspected equipment at an emergency hospital at Wesleyan University in Middletown, Connecticut. scenario predictions for a current pandemic are based on the global influenza pandemic of 1918, which killed 675,000 people in the United States (nearly 0.8 percent of the 1910 population) and 40 million people worldwide from the early spring of 1918 through the late spring of 1919.4 In all of recorded history, 1918. As major sports leagues gear up to resume play, months after shutting down due to the COVID-19 pandemic, teams are seeing a major shakeup of their line-up and locations. Game attendance more than doubled — from 2,830,613 in 1918 to 6,532,439 in 1919. Opinion. He began his professional career just a few months later and would go on to call five World Series and three All-Star Games as a National League umpire for 24 seasons.14, Carl Sawyer provided some comic relief during the game when he came to the plate using his “trick bat … aided and abetted by firecrackers, skyrockets, and sulphur smoke, which was one of the best side shows seen on a local diamond.”15 Truck Hannah, the Standard Oil catcher, “attempted to substitute his catcher’s mask for his ‘flu’ mask, but the health officer spotted him.”16 If anyone else minded wearing a mask, their concerns were quickly dispelled by the excitement of a spirited battle between two strong, competitive teams. Credit: St. Louis Post-Dispatch/Tribune News Service/Getty Images. “By playing the game with the men wearing masks, the managers of the clubs would have drawn a big crowd,” wrote Matt Gallagher of the Los Angeles Evening Herald.12 No one seemed to ask Dr. Luther Powers, the city’s health commissioner, what he thought of that bright idea. (Author’s collection). On January 18 the City of Pasadena issued a strict order requiring that flu masks be worn at all times in public; even dogs were not exempt. The opening of the California Winter League season on Sunday, October 6, went smoothly, with a powerhouse team sponsored by the Merchants National Bank in Pasadena squaring off against its top rival, a team based at the Standard-Murphy Oil Company plant in La Habra. 22 The Charlotte News and Fort Worth Record were among many newspapers to print the “masked” photo illustrations in March 1919. 17 “Pasadena Ball Game Masked,” Los Angeles Evening Herald, January 27, 1919. When Pasadena lifted its mask ordinance for good four days later, the city rejoiced with an impromptu parade of cars tooting their horns along the main thoroughfares. J. Alex Navarro and Howard Markel, University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine, https://influenzaarchive.org/cities/city-losangeles.html, accessed May 7, 2020. Except for 1919-1921, when it was a best-of-nine, the World Series has been a best-of-seven series. Meanwhile, other nurses were tasked with making the masks. The players’ exact order in this photo is unknown. Fans at some sporting events were required to wear flu masks, including at a University of Missouri men’s basketball game and a boxing match in San Francisco.9. Contact SABR, LnRiLWNvbnRhaW5lcltkYXRhLXRvb2xzZXQtYmxvY2tzLWNvbnRhaW5lcj0iNzZiOWUxOWFlYmQ3OGI0NjdiMDRjNjRhY2ZlMzMxNjciXSB7IHBhZGRpbmc6IDA7IH0gLnRiLWNvbnRhaW5lcltkYXRhLXRvb2xzZXQtYmxvY2tzLWNvbnRhaW5lcj0iNjE1MTYzYzM4YmViMmJjZjJiZGM2MDc3N2I0ZWMwOTciXSB7IGJhY2tncm91bmQ6IHJnYmEoIDI0OCwgMjQ4LCAyNDgsIDEgKTtwYWRkaW5nOiAyNXB4OyB9IC50Yi1jb250YWluZXJbZGF0YS10b29sc2V0LWJsb2Nrcy1jb250YWluZXI9ImYxOGJlNWFlZmExYzliYmI1OWExYzYzYTc2NDAzY2MwIl0geyBwYWRkaW5nOiAwIDAgMjVweCAwOyB9IC50Yi1maWVsZFtkYXRhLXRvb2xzZXQtYmxvY2tzLWZpZWxkPSIyNDI5NmU2ZWM2NjQxNzBiOWVlZTJmMTk2MzQxMmFiNyJdIHsgdGV4dC1hbGlnbjogbGVmdDtwYWRkaW5nLWJvdHRvbTogMTVweDsgfSAgLnRiLWZpZWxkW2RhdGEtdG9vbHNldC1ibG9ja3MtZmllbGQ9IjI0Mjk2ZTZlYzY2NDE3MGI5ZWVlMmYxOTYzNDEyYWI3Il0gYSB7IHRleHQtZGVjb3JhdGlvbjogbm9uZTsgfSBoNS50Yi1oZWFkaW5nW2RhdGEtdG9vbHNldC1ibG9ja3MtaGVhZGluZz0iZjMyMDAxMWYyMzhiNDVjOTQ5NDU3ZTk0OWJkNDMxNTgiXSAgeyBwYWRkaW5nLWJvdHRvbTogMTBweDsgfSAgaDUudGItaGVhZGluZ1tkYXRhLXRvb2xzZXQtYmxvY2tzLWhlYWRpbmc9ImYzMjAwMTFmMjM4YjQ1Yzk0OTQ1N2U5NDliZDQzMTU4Il0gYSAgeyB0ZXh0LWRlY29yYXRpb246IG5vbmU7IH0gLnRiLWZpZWxkcy1hbmQtdGV4dFtkYXRhLXRvb2xzZXQtYmxvY2tzLWZpZWxkcy1hbmQtdGV4dD0iZjQ4MDk2YTNmYjE0YmUwYzdkOWRjYzkyNDc1MzBkMjAiXSB7IHBhZGRpbmctYm90dG9tOiAxMHB4OyB9IEBtZWRpYSBvbmx5IHNjcmVlbiBhbmQgKG1heC13aWR0aDogNzgxcHgpIHsgICAgfSBAbWVkaWEgb25seSBzY3JlZW4gYW5kIChtYXgtd2lkdGg6IDU5OXB4KSB7ICAgIH0g, https://sabr.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/1919-baseball-in-flu-masks-clear.png, /wp-content/uploads/2020/02/sabr_logo.png, January 26, 1919: The Flu Mask Baseball Game, si.com/mlb/2020/03/09/coronavirus-baseball-history, cdc.gov/flu/pandemic-resources/1918-pandemic-h1n1.html, https://influenzaarchive.org/cities/city-losangeles.html, latimes.com/california/story/2020-04-19/coronavirus-lessons-from-great-1918-spanish-flu-pandemic, baseballhall.org/discover/1918-flu-pandemic-didnt-spare-baseball, sports-reference.com/cfb/bowls/rose-bowl.html, newspapers.com/clip/51830833/palladium-item. It is estimated that about 500 million people or one-third of the world’s population became infected with this virus. Major-league umpire Silk O’Loughlin was among the more than 675,000 Americans who died during the pandemic.7, On New Year’s Day 1919, the Rose Bowl was played in Pasadena between military service teams instead of college athletes. In San Francisco, the congregation of the Cathedral of Saint Mary of the Assumption gathered to hear Mass. Here, President Woodrow Wilson (left) waves from a parade car after returning to the United States from France in 1918 at the end of World War I. In nations involved in World War I, government censors prevented local newspapers from reporting on outbreaks. 9 “ Flu’ Masks in Vogue While Tigers Defeat Ames’ Basket Team,” St. Louis Star, January 11, 1919; “Influenza Masks Didn’t Bother Fight Fans,” Oakland Tribune, January 26, 1919. Even the canine mascot has its snout covered. Women in New York City could be seen bundled in scarves and masks while out shopping. On October 11 the City of Los Angeles declared a public-health emergency, taking quick and decisive action to close down schools, theaters, and public gatherings of any kind.4 When the Great War finally ended in November, massive celebrations were held all across the country and the flu reached its peak. Deaths are estimated to have topped 50 million worldwide. This is what it looked like inside the Mare Island influenza ward. By 1919, the war and the pandemic were over, and a tidal wave of baseball fans swelled into stadiums. 6 “Shellenbach, Slagle Ill with Influenza,” Los Angeles Herald, December 17, 1918; “Pasadena, Standards to Meet in 3d of Series,” Los Angeles Herald, January 18, 1919. 18 Washington Herald, February 10, 1919. Game attendance more than doubled — from 2,830,613 in 1918 to 6,532,439 in 1919. This trolley sign urges people to keep windows open at home as well. 15 “Standard Takes Series from Pasadena,” Whittier News, January 28, 1919. (Author’s collection). If these images did not survive, it might be hard to believe such an absurd spectacle ever took place: a baseball game played while everyone present was wearing flu masks. The illustration of Shoeless Joe Jackson can be found at newspapers.com/clip/51830833/palladium-item, from the Richmond (Indiana) Palladium-Item on March 31, 1919. Here, a crossing guard is seen wearing a mask and gloves. These men at Camp Dix in New Jersey gargle with saltwater after a day's work at the camp. A global pandemic has begun to ease off, leaving many thousands dead and the economy in tatters — and civil unrest with racist underpinnings breaks out across the country. Flu masks were common in 1918 and 1919 during the influenza pandemic. U.S. involvement in World War I -- and on a lesser level the flu pandemic of 1918 -- compromised the 1918 and 1919 MLB seasons, but baseball on Memorial Day persisted. Streetcar conductors and conductorettes (as female drivers were known) all wore masks to prevent infection. In addition to masks, many believed that gargling with warm salt water and mouthwash would stave off infection. The influenza pandemic infected an estimated 500 million around the world. "That's equivalent to 225 to 450 million people today," said John Barry, a scholar at Tulane University and author of "The Great Influenza." This telephone operator wears a gauze mask while working. If you can help us improve this game story, contact us. In 1920, the popular L.A. White Sox built their own ballpark and the league once again thrived with at least one all-black team every year until 1945. Deadly 2nd wave of Spanish flu pandemic … Baseball in 1918 was affected more by World War I than by the growing influenza pandemic. Game attendance more than doubled — from 2,830,613 in 1918 to 6,532,439 in 1919. But many schools remained open during the 1918 pandemic; like their grownup counterparts, children wore masks. Among the players on Pasadena’s roster were Emil “Irish” Meusel of the Philadelphia Phillies, Fred McMullin and Frank Shellenback of the Chicago White Sox, George Cutshaw of the Pittsburgh Pirates, and Pete Schneider and Red Killefer of the Cincinnati Reds. The Pasadena Merchants winter league team poses for a photo with umpire John “Beans” Reardon, second from right, during the “flu mask” baseball game on January 26, 1919. Military pathologists believe that a British outpost in Étaples, France was the epicenter of the outbreak. This exhibit sheds light on the experiences of families like the Romboughs, and considers how this global pandemic played out at home. March 13 – Jim Toy, 60, played two seasons, 1887 & 1890, sometimes … The Spanish flu name stuck. In 1910 Rube Foster and the Chicago Leland Giants began traveling west to test their skills against white stars from the major and minor leagues. These volunteer nurses gather for a photo on the porch of the hospital in Eureka, California. 1 of 6. MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL'S plan to ... of more than 200,000 reliable coronavirus tests and a promise not to interfere with the nationwide fight to contain the pandemic. influenza pandemic of … “Standard Takes Series from Pasadena,” Whittier News, January 28, 1919 (reprinted from the Pasadena Star-News). Other … The U.S. Navy set up this emergency camp outside of Mare Island Naval Hospital in Northern California. Events from the year 1919 in the United States. Credit: Time Life Pictures/National Archives/LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images. This outdoor Army hospital was constructed to house sick soldiers. NHL suspends operations due to coronavirus pandemic; MLB delays start of season by at least two weeks . By the end of the week, the mask order was lifted and life slowly returned to normal. There’s simply no precedent for … In 1914, Pacific Coast League President Allen T. Baum “insisted that the color line be drawn” and banned blacks from playing in any of the league’s parks. The NHL announced on March 12 that it was pausing the 2019-2020 season indefinitely due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The climate anomaly likely … The flu’s second wave devastated Southern California before the two baseball teams could return to the field for their next game. 12 Matt Gallagher, “Baseball Gossip,” Los Angeles Evening Herald, January 20, 1919. In St. Louis, Missouri, shortly after the first cases of flu were detected, local health officials ordered schools, churches, courtrooms and libraries closed. Many people (mostly women) volunteered to join nursing groups to help battle the pandemic. Several interesting articles in this one, especially one that hits close to home with the pandemic, the final article I’ve included covers what has changed in the 2 years since the Spanish Flu. March 6 – Fred Demarais, 52, Canadian pitcher for the 1890 Chicago Colts of the National League. 17 “Pasadena Ball Game Masked,” Los Angeles Evening Herald, January 27, 1919. Standard-Murphy Oil Co. 10 As winter-league baseball resumed play after a six-week hiatus, the flu continued to send shock waves throughout the game. Navarro, J. Alex, and Howard Markel, eds., Influenza Encyclopedia, University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine, influenzaarchive.org. This typist wore a mask while working at her office desk in 1918. Eventually, hospitals were so overcrowded that overflow facilities, like this one at the Eberts Field military base in Arkansas, were created. Check out the 1918 MLB Season History, featuring league standings, postseason results, no-hitters, and baseball's leaders in Home Runs, ERA, and more. ... 44, owner of the Detroit Tigers from 1903 through 1919, victim of the 1918 flu pandemic. Newspapers around the country asked fans to guess the identity of each masked player and revealed the answer the next day.22. Governors of at least 40 states and many more local governments ordered people to stay at home unless it's absolutely necessary to leave. There's not a mask in sight in this photo of a 1918 Memorial Day parade in Philadelphia. My 1919 Baseball Magazine featuring Lt. And baseball was not immune. Karl Crandall — who during the PCL season had broken up his brother Doc’s no-hit bid for the Los Angeles Angels19 — walked with two outs and then advanced to second, then third base on wild pitches by Sullivan. The spring of 2020 saw millions of Americans sheltered in place against the coronavirus pandemic. Just like today, mail delivery was an essential function during the 1918 flu. Credit: Keystone-France/Gamma-Rapho/Getty Images. Even Doc Crandall’s dog was sporting a gauze mask covering its face. In October 1918, Boston mayor Andrew Peters invited news crews to come along as he received a flu shot. These accounts were invaluable in piecing together the story of this game, along with: Baccellieri, Emma. MLB; Baseball; Super Bowl; New England Patriots; Boston Bruins; NHL; Boston Red Sox; Coronavirus pandemic; Tampa Bay Buccaneers; New York Yankees; Football; Green Bay Packers; Tom Brady; Football ‘No Hard Feelings’: Patriots fans still rooting for Brady . The war dominated 1918, and attendance per game rose 92% in By mid-January, public-health officials were calling for another shutdown to help combat the virus. Baseball will be attempting to do this through a coronavirus pandemic that has slowed many things and halted sports. Meanwhile, other nurses were tasked with making the masks. The major-league regular season was cut short by the US government’s “work or fight” order, requiring all able-bodied men to enlist in the military or take an essential defense-industry job. The catcher and batter’s identities are unconfirmed, but the best available evidence suggests it might be Truck Hannah behind the plate and Rube Ellis at bat. Pasadena Merchants 9 Baseball will be attempting to do this through a coronavirus pandemic that has slowed many things and halted sports. At right, Carl Sawyer poses with Doc Crandall’s dog, both sporting face coverings on January 26, 1919, in Pasadena, California. In 1918, an estimated one-third of the world's population contracted the H1N1 "Spanish flu" influenza virus. Sullivan came to the plate seeking his third home run of the day and “the crowd called for him to do something,” but he hit a sharp grounder to shortstop Ole Olsen, who handled the play “in a business-like manner” for the final out.20. One of the most highly anticipated games in Major League Baseball history is back on the schedule. This nurse is seen sterilizing a hospital room at the War Influenza Camp in Lawrence, Massachusetts. Overall, the war and the pandemic slashed MLB game attendance by over half from what it was in the previous season. But over the following weeks, the infection rate began to subside, and Los Angeles lifted its ban on public gatherings in early December. Because of World War I, its season had ended a month early, on Sept. 2, before the worst of the outbreak. The flu mask game did not immediately cause much of a stir. Remembering the Pandemic That Nearly Killed Babe Ruth What the sports world can learn from the 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic Babe Ruth on the field in his Red Sox uniform in 1919 … The year … In 1919, these Red Cross nurses in Boston prepared bundles of masks to be distributed to soldiers. In 2020, many children are being homeschooled or receiving lessons online. In this haunting photo, a man in Australia poses with a painted skull-and-crossbones on his mask. Picture shows a baseball player wearing a mask during the Flu epidemic of 1918. 14“Beans Reardon,” Retrosheet.org, retrosheet.org/boxesetc/R/Prearb901.htm, accessed May 21, 2020. Unfortunately, the flu pandemic that began in the spring of 1918 returned with a vengeance in the fall. Just over 100 years ago, the world was in the midst of a pandemic. In October of 1918, months into the influenza outbreak, this crowd of war munitions workers in Washington D.C. gathered to drink hot chocolate near the Washington Monument. Huston, part owner of the New York Yankees who is listed as being the first man to enlist who was associated with MLB. Barbara Daily News, January 28, 1919: 8 female drivers were known ) all wore masks to officers! Connected to two machines with a year cut short due to COVID-19, mail delivery was integrated. 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