Letter bombs may feel rigid or appear uneven or lopsided, Do not handle any more than is absolutely necessary, Do not shake, bump or empty the contents of any suspicious item. The following procedures are provided as a guideline to biohazardous spill cleanup. Medical emergencies are the most common when someone is injured, or has a cardiac episode or other health-related issue. Note: Do not hang up until the dispatcher advises you to disconnect. Emergency Preparedness The School of Medicine encourages all faculty, staff, and students to be prepared at home and on campus. A spirit of ready cooperation will make the incident go as smoothly as possible. However in the event of an individual holding people against their will, it is important to be familiar with the following procedures to improve the likelihood of a favorable resolution to the situation. Listen carefully and take notes. Tune in to KZSU 90.1 or log on to: http://kzsu.stanford.edu/. In the event that the university’s IT systems are down, the university maintains a mirror of the emergency website at an offsite location. If you cannot speak, leave the line open so the police can listen to what is taking place. However, mitigation and preparedness sometimes do not occur until after a disaster happens and repairs are being made; this is quite common in the corporate world. The university is considered to be a safe campus. Get a seasonal flu shot when they are available. Go to https://stanfordyou.stanford.edu (students use https://axess.stanford.edu/) and make sure your personal contact information is registered with AlertSU. Origin – Postmark doesn’t match the city of the return address, name of sender is unusual or unknown, or no return address is given, © Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305. %%Invocation: path/gs -P- -dSAFER -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -q -P- -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sstdout=? Notify Maintenance Customer Service at (650) 723-2281, Notify Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) at (650) 725-9999 if you have not done so already, You hear the fire alarm or see strobe lights. Limit your communication to quiet reassurances. Mitigation is preventing disasters or taking steps to lessen the impact of unavoidable disasters. Put notice on door informing personnel of spill and not to enter. If the person gives you any problems, call the police. Clean Should a riot or other civil disturbance develop in the community, or on or near the campus, Public Safety personnel will make every effort to minimize the impact. Remain there until roll has been taken and you have been released by emergency responders. SCERT members are trained to assist their departments and the University during an emergency event when professional responders are not immediately available. Response to collection damage will occur only after any injuries have been attended to and the building is safe to enter. Immediately contact your supervisor or local Human Resources staff with any questions concerning illness or injury at work or visit the Risk Management Website: http://web.stanford.edu/dept/Risk-Management/docs/workcompben.shtml for more information. Secure laptops with a security cable and place in a locked drawer when unattended for long periods of time. If you are the last to leave, close doors behind you to confine the fire, but do not lock them. Pitch – Med If an exposure or injury occurs during work hours and it is not a medical emergency, personnel should go to the Stanford University Occupational Health Center (SUOHC) located at 480 Oak Road. If your room cannot be locked, determine whether you can safely exit the building or safely reach a nearby location that is able to be locked. If you cannot escape, make every attempt to conceal yourself and/or take cover behind the most solid object you can find (i.e., desk, cabinet or row of seats/chairs). Watch for bicycles, pedestrians, and emergency vehicles, Follow traffic directions from Public Safety or other safety officials, If normal exits are blocked, you will be directed to an alternate route, Traffic signals might not be working, use 4-way stop signs traffic rules, If you are in doubt about whether to report back to campus, call your department hotline, phone tree contact, or supervisor, Call (650) 725-5555, the Stanford Emergency Information Hotline, For area information, follow reports on “Emergency Alert System” radio stations (e.g., KCBS 740 AM) and television, Immediately remove yourself from danger if possible. Angry You are instructed to leave by emergency responders, your supervisor, or the Response Team member for your area. Nasal Stressed If a suspicious person is seen roaming around, or suspicious calls are received, contact the police immediately. Crawl if necessary. Foreign Local Department Hotline: ____________________________________________________, Department Response Team members: __________________________________________, Location of nearest First Aid or disaster kit: ________________________________________, Location of nearest fire extinguisher: _____________________________________________, Location of nearest Automatic External Defibrillator (AED): ____________________________, Location of department Emergency Assembly Point: _________________________________. Irrational The emergency use of an investigational drug, device, or biologic is described in Stanford HRPP Chapter 5.8. Note their locations and report them at the designated Emergency Assembly Point (EAP), Do not re-enter buildings until emergency management personnel has given clearance to return, Await instructions, be patient, and help others, Be prepared for aftershocks; these may occur seconds, minutes, hours or days after the initial shock. PURPOSE The purpose of the Sanford Underground Research Facility’s Emergency Response Plan (ERP) is to provide project personnel with procedures to follow for effective and safe actions in the event of an emergency at the Sanford Underground Research Facility, also referred to as SURF. Because of the variety of materials used around the University, if a chemical spill occurs or if you detect gas, chemical fumes, or any suspicious odor: Do not attempt to clean up a spill or release unless you are trained to do so, know it is safe, have the proper equipment and it is less than 30 ml (1 ounce). This refers to how long it takes emergency responders to arrive at the scene of an emergency after the emergency response system has been activated. T�^���O�:V'JzY���*� �����-Q*1#��j�v���32N�P����)�G�F):J��M[e$�M�!����NjKQB5�:t锖��:D�j���i����l�D�[U��鷧�炀$=9;��ɷg�O�prv����}�t���/l�
~|�Q��ӿ:�_|u�=U�M$�>#:��`@�DP[�HU"�x�����,��@���~j�5Uv��X�� Give the following information: Location of the spill/leak (building, floor, room number, etc. ), If you know the source of the water and are confident of your ability to stop it (unclog the drain, turn off the water, etc. All team members have had integral roles. Earthquake kits of food, water and other supplies can be used during Shelter in Place events. If it is safe to do so, leave your building and the vicinity of where the disturbance is occurring, If Public Safety staff directs faculty, staff, and students to remain indoors, refer to the “Shelter in Place” procedure contained in this booklet. If the caller makes a “bomb threat,” try to keep the caller on the phone and talking by asking the following questions: Description of Caller: Male or Female Cover your head with your arms to help protect against falling objects. Squeaky Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) or Public Safety will contact the Department Operations Center (DOC) representatives in each school or department with relevant information as it becomes available. Remain under cover until the threat has passed or you have been advised by law enforcement that it is safe to exit, Activate registered cell phones** (in silent mode) to receive campus emergency notifications that may be sent through the AlertSU system, Avoid provoking or obstructing the demonstrators, Stay away from glass doors or windows. Other, Behavior: Throwing or tossing readily accessible items at the individual may momentarily distract him/her and may allow you an opening to overpower him/her. For more information about the AlertSU system, please visit http://alertsu.stanford.edu. Try to breathe through the material. ), Indicate whether any people or equipment are involved or are in imminent danger, Only activate the Fire Alarm if there is a fire in your building, Do not use plumbing, light switches, or gas until utility lines have been checked, Replace telephone handsets on cradles and avoid using phones for non-emergency purposes, Stay on campus until you have been accounted for and instructed that it is safe to leave, Roads may have been damaged or blocked by debris, so travel may be dangerous, If a window is available, place an article of clothing (shirt, coat, etc.) Traffic Promptly write down everything you can remember about receiving the letter or parcel, or finding the object, including all people who were in the area of the object. This is the universal surrender signal. If the room that you are in can be locked, follow the same procedures listed above. Sincere 5 0 obj The steps you take before, during and after an earthquake will help make you safer and reduce injuries, damage and losses. SLAC Emergency Hotline: (877) 447-SLAC (7522) The Stanford Community Emergency Response Team (SCERT) consists of approximately 200 people who have been educated and trained to respond to disasters and hazards that may impact their area. If tissue is not available, direct the cough or sneeze into the bend of your elbow, not into your hands. If you decide to charge an individual armed with a gun to overpower or disarm him/her, running in a zigzag fashion will diminish the shooter’s accuracy. Notify 9-911 from Stanford University phones (911 from non-campus or cell phones), give the following information: Location of the parcel or object (using building, floor and room number, if possible). Consult your healthcare provider or contact Vaden Health Center at (650) 498-2336 for information on campus vaccine programs. There are some simple steps you can take as an individual to help prepare to meet any emergency, whether a natural disaster or civil disturbance. {�G��asD^��.�i���-���������$w���!u�8yL��V����sܾx.�Ǖ�1M6ޫ�U��H/-7d�A�#\���,n}��u�tũگ0���m�uL�[�}/�-1���D�. Aim to reduce the effects of a disaster on you and your property by: 1. securing heavy items of furniture to the floor or wall 2. having the structural soundness of your home checked by a builder when you move in or after making structural alterations 3. having the structural soundness of grounds checked by a civil engineer if you see any signs of ground movement 4. securely storing loose items within your … To create the current Emergency Manu al, the Stanford Anesthesia Cognitive Aid Group was formed. Alert your supervisor to the situation. Otherwise, emergency responders may not know the difference between you and the threat. Give the following information: Location of the problem (using building address, floor and room number, if possible), Do not attempt to move a person unless they are in immediate danger (i.e., fire, building collapse, etc. Many departments maintain First Aid boxes. However, if you are in an elevator and it should fail for any reason, the elevator car will not fall, you will not run out of oxygen, and emergency lights in each car will activate for your safety. In the event of a major emergency affecting the entire university, the University Emergency Operations Center (EOC) will be activated. If the spill overflows the drain pan/catch basin under the work surface into the interior of the BSC notify EH&S. ��J8�(b�µ���=���?..�B�f��� 'c�_��y�w"j�}(
��� ��IJv@�7�kx�50�A�jZ�c���\_2'��ף�����s��ݢX�+:��%(��T�`� �Ӿh���甼�#� 3 Response Actions taken immediately before, during, or directly after an emergency to save lives and protect property, and help communities recover. Notify the police by calling 9-911 (911 from non-campus or cell phones) and provide the following information: Remain calm, be polite and cooperate with your captors, Observe the captors and try to memorize their physical traits, clothing or other details that can help provide a description. If your building has a generator: All staff are encouraged to enroll in a Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and First Aid course. Slang Educated Music While exiting, note hazards or personnel remaining in building, Go directly to the designated Emergency Assembly Point (EAP) for the building you are in, Check in and provide information on noted hazards or personnel remaining in the building to your Response Team member, The Response Team member for your area will ensure that occupants evacuate the area, As you exit, quickly check nearby restrooms, copier rooms, closets, etc., for other people, Accompany and help any individual with special needs, or any visitors and colleagues who appear to need direction or assistance, Proceed as quickly as possible, but in an orderly manner – do not push or shove, Hold handrails when you are walking on stairs, Move to the right if you encounter emergency personnel on stairs, Once out of the building, move away from the structure and report to your EAP, Stay out of the way of emergency personnel who are responding to the situation, Carpool/Vanpool: contact your primary carpool or vanpool member(s) immediately, Request persons exiting by way of the stairway notify the Fire Department of your location, DO NOT USE ELEVATORS during an emergency evacuation. Explosions usually result in falling debris and structural damage that can cause serious injuries. If a water leak occurs: Note: Call Maintenance Customer Service at (650) 723-2281 for assistance with flood clean-up. Distinct Evacuate to your assigned EAP, if necessary. 2.2 Emergency Notification and Response A situation is an emergency if it poses a serious threat to human health or the environment. DO NOT USE ELEVATORS. You might add to the person’s distress or fears, increasing the risk of medical shock. Walk in an alert and confident manner, actively pay attention to your surroundings, and do not wear earphones, Choose the best lit, most traveled paths when walking. Update your emergency contact information in StanfordYou for use by the AlertSU system. The elevator should return to a predesignated floor and the doors will open automatically. For example, “Shelter in Place” means you must seek immediate shelter inside the building; if you are instructed to “evacuate” an area or building, you should do so immediately and proceed to the designated Emergency Assembly Point (EAP) for the building you are in. Pandemic flu is different. The room(s) should have adequate space for everyone to be able to sit in it. Notify Biosafety (650) 725-1473 of incident. Go to a safe area and call 9-911 (911 from non-campus or cell phones). If you need to work late, you may want to move your car closer to your building. Response Team members for each area have been trained to respond automatically during a power outage and assist all faculty, staff, and students with any necessary evacuation. Distorted Muffled If you decide to move from your current location, call 9-911 (911 from non-campus or cell phones) if possible. OEM is responsible for disaster mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery programs to ensure that the highest level of quality care and service to our patients is maintained during any type of disaster. Exit by the nearest safe exit/stairwell. Note SLAC employees are also registered in Stanford’s . Power outages can be caused by a variety of circumstances. However, since the campus and our buildings are open to the public, please lock all office doors and ground floor windows, and windows that open onto balconies, whenever you leave a room unattended. Earthquakes in the Bay Area may be inevitable, but damage from them is not. (Use gloves while cleaning.). Deliberate Stanford uses a layered communications strategy to communicate with faculty, staff, students and community members in the event of an emergency. A long response time can result in increased and permanent damage, a higher likelihood of fatalities, and greater distress to those involved. and emergency water (minimum 1 gallon per person per day), If applicable, remember pet food, diapers, a spare pair of prescription glasses, Regularly check the batteries in your portable radios, smoke detectors, cell phones and flashlights and keep extra batteries on hand, or purchase a crank-type radio and flashlights, Be sure the fire extinguishers in your home and car are properly charged, Keep a change of clothes in your car and at work, Regularly conduct drills to practice your plan, Know how to shut off utilities (gas, water, electricity) if necessary, Inventory your possessions using a video or still camera and store in a fireproof safe or safety deposit box, Collect important documents (insurance policies, home title, wills) and store them in a fireproof safe or safety deposit box, Have identification and important phone numbers accessible, Program emergency contact numbers in your cell phone using ICE, ICE2, ICE3 (In Case of Emergency), If you normally use public transportation, consider making arrangements to ride with someone else as a contingency plan if public transportation is unavailable. Stanford University Emergency Information Website: Radio stations: KZSU 90.1 FM, KCBS 740 AM. Members of the Stanford medical community have formed the Stanford Emergency Medicine Program for Emergency Response (S.E.M.P.E.R) in order to more swiftly react to disasters worldwide. ), Remove contaminated clothing, if applicable, Use eyewash or emergency shower for a full 15 minutes to flush the affected area, Call EH&S at (650) 725-9999, and provide that same information as above, Arrange for someone to meet the emergency responders, Follow instructions provided by the emergency responders. %PDF-1.4 The generic definitions have a strong focus on human health and property. If Foreign, Describe ), Postage – Excessive or inadequate postage, Balance – the letter is lopsided or an unusually thick weight – the letter or package seems heavy for its size, Contents – Stiffness or springiness of contents; protruding wires or components; oil on outer wrapping or envelope; feels like it contains powdery substance, Smell – Particularly almond or other suspicious odors. Be sure that your department head and Stanford directory have your correct current address, home phone number, and emergency notification information. In the event the elevator stops operating while you are inside: Note: Wait until the dispatcher advises you to disconnect. Identifying and analysing long-term risks to human life and property from hazards; taking steps to eliminate these risks if practicable, and, if not, reducing the magnitude of their impact and the likelihood of their occurring. Develop a personal emergency plan with your family/roommates. All team members have had integral roles. Classes are available through HIP, local communities, and the Red Cross. 1. Emergency Response Guidelines. Serious water damage can occur from many sources: burst pipes, fire sprinkler activation, clogged drains, broken skylights and windows, construction projects, major rainstorms, water main breaks, or loss of power to sump pumps. If forced to present terrorist demands to authorities, state clearly that the demands are from your captors. Notification for Unclear Slurred This effort will continue until the disturbance has been resolved. Try to keep the caller talking so that you can gather more information. If Accented, Describe TV/Radio Do not let people into a locked building or office unless you work with them or they have been properly identified. Other, Background Noises: Most casualties in earthquakes result from falling materials. New emergency preparedness program and website ensures Stanford community is CardinalReady. **The university emergency alert system, AlertSU, will be used to notify you of critical life safety issues on campus. This will serve as a clearinghouse for information if family members become separated. Should a suspicious person attempt to leave the scene in a vehicle, bicycle, etc… note the make and model, license number (if possible), color, outstanding characteristics, etc. GSE Emergency Plan/Additional Resources GSE Emergency Plan The Graduate School of Education Emergency Response Plan is used to respond to internal disasters, and/or disruption of services, earthquakes, or specific emergency situations. Extra caution is required any time you are excited, worried, or distracted by an emergency. In the event of an emergency closure please call your local contact or hotline for information on the operating status of your local business unit. Call (650) 725-5555, the Stanford Emergency Information Hotline. Bleach is recommended as a standard disinfectant, however, other disinfectants may be used provided they are effective against the particular agents, along with the appropriate dilution and contact time. Text messaging may be more effective during an emergency as it may still function even when voice communication via cell phones will not. New Zealand communities are at risk from a broad range of hazards. Airport Restraining Orders. This information will be needed by police interviewers. Run BSC 10 minutes after cleanup before resuming work or turning BSC off; Evacuate Room – insure all personnel are accounted for and that doors are closed. �t�f�S�jx�Ҳ�M�Kv�6���f!Y*jS�\�j7���r�HKRQ���D�TԺ
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Stay inside under cover until shaking stops, As you leave the area, and if safe to do so, turn off and disconnect power to equipment containing hazardous materials unless needed to keep process or experiment safe, Make note of any unsafe conditions, trapped personnel or other hazards to be reported when you evacuate to your EAP, Move to an open area away from buildings, trees, electrical/overhead wires, and other hazards, If forced to stand near a building, watch for falling objects, Stop your vehicle in the nearest open area without blocking the roadway, Do not stop under bridges, overpasses, or overhead wires, Stay in the vehicle until the shaking stops, When in doubt, evacuate the building and assess the situation before taking further action. Loud In the unlikely event that you are the victim of, are involved in, or witness an individual behaving in an unusual or suspicious manner, or an individual is disorderly, intoxicated, committing vandalism, or other destructive act such as assault, robbery, theft, overt sexual behavior, etc., proceed as follows: It is possible, although highly unlikely, that any faculty, staff, or student might someday receive or observe a suspicious package. Dial 9-911 (911 from non-campus or cell phones) if possible and give your name and location. University officials may call for evacuation in specific areas at greatest risk. Get a good description of the suspicious person if personal safety allows. If you need emergency medical help call 911 (9-911 from a campus telephone) or press the red button on a blue emergency tower on Stanford's campus to connect immediately with an emergency dispatcher. Reduction Overview 2. If there is a working telephone, call 9-911 (911 from non-campus phones) and tell the emergency dispatcher where you are or where you will be. Get attention of another person – give note to call police. Always evacuate the building when any of the following occurs: NOTE: It is suggested that people with special needs prepare for emergencies by learning the locations of exit corridors and enclosed stairwells and by informing co-workers, professors, and/or classmates of the best methods of assistance during an emergency. Consult the Elevator Malfunction section for further information. Unintelligible -f ? If you remember these four steps, you can develop and empower any team to do their very best in both readiness and response state. 1 Emergency Background and Resources 1.1 Introduction. If you cannot speak, leave the line open so law enforcement can listen to what is taking place. ? You want the captor to think of you as a person not as an object. Consult the Evacuation Procedures section of this booklet for additional information, Do not return to the building until instructed to do so by Public Safety or Maintenance Customer Service, Keep a flashlight with spare batteries immediately accessible, Assess the extent of the outage in your area, Report the outage to Maintenance Customer Service (650) 723-2281, Help persons in darkened work areas move to safety, Unplug personal computers and non-essential equipment, turn off light switches, Open windows for additional light and ventilation. The Four R’s of Emergency & Risk Communications Management. Call 9-911 from Stanford University phones (911 from non-campus or cell phones). 1. When you get there, notify a relative or friend that you have arrived safely. Calm Local and Regional Hazard Risk Reduction 4. International Hazard Risk Reduction Clean up the spill yourself if it is less than 1 ounce (30 ml) and you have knowledge of the material and proper equipment and training. Other, Language: %%+ -dEmbedAllFonts=true -dSubsetFonts=true -dCompressFonts=true -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -dBATCH ? If a class or lecture is disrupted, the offending person(s) should be requested to leave. (2009, April) Emergency Preparedness: Cultural Considerations When Working with Older Adults with Sensory and Motor Disabilities, Stanford Geriatric Education Center, 2009 Webinar Series (via YouTube), Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA. (See the Stanford University Suggested Travel Routes Map, If you have a bicycle on campus, please ensure you lock your bike and both tires, and remove lights, etc. Wait at least five minutes to allow the BSC to contain aerosols, Wear laboratory coat, safety glasses and gloves during cleanup, Apply disinfectant and allow a minimum of 20 minutes contact time, Wipe up spillage with disposable disinfectant-soaked paper towels, Do not place your head in the cabinet to clean the spill; keep your face behind the viewscreen, Wipe the walls, work surfaces, walls, and any equipment in the cabinet with disinfectant-soaked paper towels, Discard contaminated disposable materials using appropriate biohazardous waste disposal procedures, Place contaminated reusable items in biohazard bags or autoclavable pans with lids before autoclaving, Expose non-autoclavable materials to disinfectant (20 minutes contact time) before removal from the BSC, Remove protective clothing used during cleanup and place in a biohazard bag for removal. 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