The requirement to draw on HTML can be implemented in some ways. These coordinates should be transformed by ltrans.convert() or adjusted by ltrans.adjust() before drawing. Line charts are responsive, interactive, customizable and integrates easily with Bootstrap & other popular Frameworks. Line Charts are normally used for visualizing trends in data varying continuously over a period of time or range. As line chart is flat, here we set ctx to be a two-dimension canvas. var canvas = document.getElementById( "testCanvas"); var context = canvas.getContext( "2d"); // declare graph start and end var GRAPH_TOP = 25; var GRAPH_BOTTOM = 375; var GRAPH_LEFT = 25; var GRAPH_RIGHT = 475; var GRAPH_HEIGHT = 350; var GRAPH_WIDTH = 450; // clear canvas (if another graph was previously drawn) context.clearRect( 0, 0, 500, 400); // draw X and Y axis … HTML5 & JS Line Charts. Iteratedly for each set of data, lchart.depict_data() and lchart.draw_legend() will finish the task of drawing canvas line chart in HTML. The initial JSON objects used to store the known values of the bar graph and each line graph point: The ltrans.convert() method performs the transformation from chart to canvas. Each dataPoint has x variable determining the position on the horizontal axis and y variable determining the position of the vertical axis. At last, we find out the legend coordinate at right side. This figure shows the tick mark along the y-axis: This figure represents labels alongthe y axis as shown, This figure shows when the x-axis and y-axis are joined together. The latter picture will always cover the previous one, so chart background with the size decided by canvasW and canvasH should be drawn first. The ldraw.point() method can produce points in awesome gradiant colors by using object grad from ctx. In this article I will walk through how to create a Line Chart using canvas in HTML5. A line chart is a style of chart that is created by connecting a series of data points together with a line. You might also want to look at CanvasJS Chart which is built on top of HTML5 Canvas Element. For drawing both the tick marks and labels we apply the loop. Remember to set colors for each series of data by modifying legend_colors, because these colors can help us distinguish kinds of data points from each other in whole chart. The HTML 5 canvas is capable of rendering lines, shapes, images, text and more without relying on a plugin. Before drawing the pie chart, we will take a look at drawing its parts. The SVG charts that use axes can now show X and Y axis titles. STEP 4. The graph uses a canvas object, which must be present in the web page and have the correct ID. Step 1. HTML scripts in lchart.php majorly define a HTML element