This is useful to prevent the head crashing into bed mountings such as screws, bulldog clips, etc. Similar to the description for the Bed Thermal Protection above. Periodically display a message on the LCD showing the measured filament diameter. This is going to be a, hopefully, complete tutorial on configuring Motion Control on 3D printers build on Ramps 1.4 using Marlin firmware. See Configuration.h for additional configuration options. These depend on various factors, including belt pitch, number of teeth on the pulley, thread pitch on leadscrews, micro-stepping settings, and extruder style. Driver board, such as RAMPS, RUMBA, Teensy, etc. Adds the M3, M4, and M5 commands to turn the spindle/laser on and off, and to set spindle speed, spindle direction, and laser power. ... Set / report Magnetic Parking Extruder settings. Enable this option if the bed center is at X0 Y0. Setting up Marlin is fiddly at the best of times. What makes you think that implementing the Z after probing height after HOMING is design intent? // until extrusion is consistent, and to purge old filament. #define INVERT_E2_DIR false #define DEFAULT_Kp_LIST { 22.20, 22.20 }, #define DEFAULT_Ki_LIST { 1.08, 1.08 }, #define DEFAULT_Kd_LIST { 114.00, 114.00 }. By default all endstops have pulldown resistors disabled. { 14.4, 871 }, \ Help needed : Marlin z axis homing speed settings. This is an advanced way to protect against temp sensor failure. Support CNC-style G-code dialects used by laser cutters, drawing machine cams, etc. Failure to follow this precaution can destroy your Arduino! With Dual X-Carriage the HOTEND_OFFSET_X setting for T1 overrides X2_HOME_POS. The default is M600 which requires ADVANCED_PAUSE_FEATURE. Auto Homing showing failing Z-homing. There is 1C hysteresis. //#define Z_PROBE_SERVO_NR 0 // Defaults to SERVO 0 connector. #define Y_BED_SIZE 200, #define X_MIN_POS 0 Marlin 2.0 allows for custom temperature sensors. Use the above formula to calculate the Junction Deviation amount. Junction Deviation determins the cornering speed. This option adds G10/G11 commands for automatic firmware-based retract/recover. The boards.h file has the most up-to-date listing of supported boards, so check it first if you don’t see yours listed there. #define HEATER_2_MINTEMP 5 After an endstop is triggered during homing, the printerhead backs off by the set HOME_BUMP_MM distance then homes again at a slower speed. These EEPROM options should be left as they are, but for 128K and smaller boards they may be used to recover some program memory. Choose your preferred language for the LCD controller here. During movement planning, Marlin constrains the default accelerations to the maximum acceleration of all axes involved in the move. #define X_CHAIN_POS -1 // <=0 : Not chained. #define TEMP_BED_WINDOW 1 // (degC) Window around target to start the residency timer x degC early. Above the given Z height, leveling compensation will no longer be applied. The most-used form of this command is to home all axes: G28 ; Go to origin on all axes. May 2017. If you require a value over 30000, this could indicate a problem. The MMU2 will transport the filament all the way to the extruder gears. G28 X Z ; Home the X and Z axes. Enable endstops and keep them enabled when not homing. //, #define TEMP_CHAMBER_HYSTERESIS 1 // (°C) Temperature proximity considered "close enough" to the target, //#define HEATER_CHAMBER_PIN 44 // Chamber heater on/off pin, #define BED_CHECK_INTERVAL 5000 // ms between checks in bang-bang control, #define BED_HYSTERESIS 2 // Only disable heating if T>target+BED_HYSTERESIS and enable heating if T>target-BED_HYSTERESIS, #define THERMAL_PROTECTION_PERIOD 40 // Seconds, #define THERMAL_PROTECTION_HYSTERESIS 4 // Degrees Celsius, #define WATCH_TEMP_PERIOD 20 // Seconds, #define WATCH_TEMP_INCREASE 2 // Degrees Celsius #define X_MAX_ENDSTOP_INVERTING false // set to true to invert the logic of the endstop. Take account of the probe’s XY offsets when setting these boundaries. For all the in-depth details please read the Auto Bed Leveling documentation and the G29 G-codes documentation. #define DUMMY_THERMISTOR_999_VALUE 100, #define MAX_REDUNDANT_TEMP_SENSOR_DIFF 10. // For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle. #define MESH_TEST_BED_TEMP 60 // (°C) Default bed temperature for the G26 Mesh Validation Tool. Turn this off by executing M109 without F. If the temperature is set to a value below mintemp (e.g., by M104) autotemp will not be applied. Panucatt VIKI LCD with status LEDs, integrated click & L/R/U/D buttons, separate encoder inputs. //#define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_ALL_EXTRUDERS // Allow M702 to unload all extruders above a minimum target temp (as set by M302), #define X_SENSE_RESISTOR 91 // (mOhms), #define X_MICROSTEPS 16 // Number of microsteps, #define HOLD_MULTIPLIER 0.5 // Scales down the holding current from run current, #define INTERPOLATE true // Interpolate X/Y/Z_MICROSTEPS to 256. This section follows the order of settings as they appear. Level your X axis by trying to move the Z axis past its physical limit. This option is used for DELTA robots, which always home to MAX, and may be used in other setups. Not supported on DELTA! And it is not surprising, since they have perfectly understood the “Maker” movement and have adapted to the needs of users and potential clients. However, control resolution will be halved for each increment; at zero value, there are 128 effective control positions. Err: MINTEMP: This error means your thermistor has disconnected or become an open circuit. I'm using the Marlin firmware (1.1.0-RC7 - 31 July 2016) for a 3d printer. Useful for a sensor at the end of. Only AUTO_BED_LEVELING_BILINEAR and AUTO_BED_LEVELING_UBL support DELTA. #define Y_MAX_POS Y_BED_SIZE By now, the home offset should be ready for the first 3d print test, all we need to do now is test the offset setting… #define BED_MINTEMP 5, #define HEATER_0_MAXTEMP 285 The MMU2 LCD menu allows you to load filament to the nozzle. #define X_CURRENT 800 // (mA) RMS current. If each layer is 0.2 mm high, leveling compensation will be reduced by 1/50th (2 %) after each layer. This will store all the current settings in your EEPROM permanently. This is the name of your printer as displayed on the LCD and by M115. A Mixing Extruder uses two or more stepper motors to drive multiple filaments into a mixing chamber, with the mixed filaments extruded from a single nozzle. A probe that is deployed and stowed with a solenoid pin (Defined as SOL1_PIN.). Cooling fans are needed on 3D printers to keep components cool and prevent failure. You’ll need to select a pin for the ON/OFF function and optionally choose a 0-5V hardware PWM pin for the speed control and a pin for the rotation direction. #define E4_AUTO_FAN_PIN -1 This option works around that bug, but otherwise should be left off. See Configuration_adv.h for more details. Deltas have three max endstops. A delay can also be added to allow noise and vibration to settle. #define USE_ZMIN_PLUG, // Disable ENDSTOPPULLUPS to set pullups individually, // Disable ENDSTOPPULLDOWNS to set pulldowns individually. #endif, #define THERMAL_PROTECTION_BED_PERIOD 20 // Seconds, #define THERMAL_PROTECTION_BED_HYSTERESIS 2 // Degrees Celsius, #define WATCH_BED_TEMP_PERIOD 60 // Seconds, #define WATCH_BED_TEMP_INCREASE 2 // Degrees Celsius It is recommended to enable these options as a safety feature. Requires SOL1_PIN and SOL2_PIN. Marlin 1.1.5 and up include the BUSY_WHILE_HEATING option for hosts that treat host keepalive as a strict busy protocol. Bed size and nozzle homing offset in Marlin 1.1.9 firmware. With this option simply connect the X2 stepper to the first unused E plug. Sub-options determine how long to show the progress bar and status message, how long to retain the status message, and whether to include a progress bar test in the Debug menu. Go to step 7 to test the new settings. A serial connection is required for communication between the printer board and the MMU2. Marlin provides two dummy sensors for testing purposes. If the jerk is set too high, direction changes will apply too much torque and you may see “ringing” artifacts or dropped steps. #endif, #define Z_MIN_PROBE_USES_Z_MIN_ENDSTOP_PIN. #endif, //#define INTEGRATED_BABYSTEPPING // EXPERIMENTAL integration of babystepping into the Stepper ISR. Each profile is calibrated for a particular temperature sensor so it’s important to be as precise as possible. //#define ADVANCED_PAUSE_CONTINUOUS_PURGE // Purge continuously up to the purge length until interrupted. Otherwise, adjust according to your host. Here you define the gcode script which will be executed when the so-called FINDA sensor on the MMU2 detects a filament runout. You can either double click to open the file or you can open the Arduino IDE software and open it from there. Most 3D printers use an “open loop” control system, meaning the software can’t ascertain the actual carriage position at a given time. Scales heater power proportional to the part/layer fan speed which inturn reduces hotend temperature drop range. Change this if, for example, you need to connect a wireless adapter to non-default port pins. This allows hosts to request long names for files and folders with M33, Enable this option to scroll long filenames in the SD card menu, Leave the heaters on after Stop Print (not recommended!). Once you have made the offset settings, don’t forget to save the value in memory. Character-based displays (based on the Hitachi HD44780) provide an ASCII character set plus one of the following language extensions: To determine the language extension installed on your controller: See LCD Language System for in-depth info on how the Marlin display system currently works. This will most likely be a sub-section of the bed because probes are not usually able to reach every point that the nozzle can. // Filament Unload does a Retract, Delay, and Purge first: #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_PURGE_RETRACT 13 // (mm) Unload initial retract length. The default BLTouch settings can be overriden with these options. To use configurations from an earlier version of Marlin, try dropping them into the newer Marlin and building. HINT for Marlin 2.x. If CLOCKWISE normally moves RIGHT this makes it go LEFT. See the Configuration.h file for sub-options and the G29 G-code documentation that applies to your selected leveling system. By default software reset is enabled. You’ll need to put some of these back later. The MMU2 provides two options how the printer board can trigger a reset: software and hardware reset. //#define ADVANCED_PAUSE_FANS_PAUSE // Turn off print-cooling fans while the machine is paused. Marlin-Configurator by @akaJes does it nearly auto-magically with a simple drag/drop operation. Make sure you have enough clearance for the probe to move between points! A unique ID for your 3D printer. Inductive probes need space to keep from triggering early. Check out HOMING_FEEDRATE in Configuration.h and in Configuration_adv.h. Open the new Marlin/Configuration.h file using a text editor suitable for code, like Sublime Text or Notepad++. To solve this issue, this option sets the number of milliseconds a hotend will preheat before Marlin starts to check the temperature. #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_FAST_LOAD_LENGTH 0 // (mm) Load length of filament, from extruder gear to nozzle. This is usually required if you’re getting volume init errors. Delay (in microseconds) before the next move will start, to give the servo time to reach its target angle. //#define VARIABLE_G0_FEEDRATE // The G0 feedrate is set by F in G0 motion mode, #define GCODE_MACROS_SLOTS 5 // Up to 10 may be used, #define GCODE_MACROS_SLOT_SIZE 50 // Maximum length of a single macro Lately the new electronic boards of the company BigTreeTech (SKR V1.4 and SKR 1.4 Turbo) are enjoying quite a notoriety within the world of 3D printing. The serial communication speed of the printer should be as fast as it can manage without generating errors. Although home positions are fixed, M206 can be used to apply offsets to the home position if needed. The hardware watchdog should reset the microcontroller, disabling all outputs, in case the firmware gets stuck and doesn’t do temperature regulation. Add a secondary fan speed for each print-cooling fan. Make sure you do not have 2 // in front of #define ENDSTOPPULLUPS. If all hotend and bed temperature setpoint are < 54C then the BLUE led is on. If you have a single nozzle, a switching extruder, a mixing extruder, or dual X carriages, specify that below. A Switching Nozzle is a carriage with 2 nozzles. //#define MANUAL_X_HOME_POS 0 //#define MANUAL_Y_HOME_POS 0 //#define MANUAL_Z_HOME_POS 0 // Distance between the nozzle to printbed after homing. On the other hand, if this frequency is too low, you should also increment SOFT_PWM_SCALE. If you get false positives for “Heating failed” increase WATCH_TEMP_PERIOD and/or decrease WATCH_TEMP_INCREASE. Use M355 to turn on/off and control the brightness. In most setups these can be left unchanged, but should be tuned as needed to prevent false positives. Use to override if the automatically selected points are inadequate. Here we’re telling the firmware how many individual steps produce a single millimeter (or degree on SCARA) of movement. If the default value of 3 is too expensive, try 2 or 1. So, outside the bounds of the probed grid, Z adjustment can take one of two approaches. Not compatible with Core kinematics. #define HEATER_3_MAXTEMP 275 #define GRID_MAX_POINTS_Y GRID_MAX_POINTS_X, //#define MIN_PROBE_EDGE_LEFT MIN_PROBE_EDGE, //#define MIN_PROBE_EDGE_RIGHT MIN_PROBE_EDGE, //#define MIN_PROBE_EDGE_FRONT MIN_PROBE_EDGE, //#define MIN_PROBE_EDGE_BACK MIN_PROBE_EDGE, // Number of subdivisions between probe points, #define UBL_MESH_INSET 1 // Mesh inset margin on print area #endif, #define HOTEND5_PULLUP_RESISTOR_OHMS 4700 // Pullup resistor, #define HOTEND5_RESISTANCE_25C_OHMS 100000 // Resistance at 25C, #define HOTEND5_BETA 3950 // Beta value If undefined, defaults to 1MHz / (2 * MINIMUM_STEPPER_PULSE). No delay if 0 or not defined. // This is for Prusa MK3-style extruders. ", #define G29_RECOVER_COMMANDS "M117 Probe failed. Axes moving the wrong direction can cause damage. Once you compile Marlin, that’s it. Use this option to enable extra debugging of homing and leveling. #define DISABLE_INACTIVE_X true Before deploy/stow pause for user confirmation. Change to white to illuminate work surface. This should always be enabled with DELTA. Set their constant temperature readings here. This option allows the controller board to switch the power supply 12V on and off with M80 and M81. Open Marlin/Marlin.ino with the Visual Studio Code, compile with PlateformIO, and write the new firmware to your printer. Enable if your probe or endstops falsely trigger due to noise. // Support for the BariCUDA Paste Extruder. Now we come to the thermal settings section of the Marlin firmware where things get a bit more complicated, however, we don’t need to touch the complicated stuff to get the printer up and running. Enable this option to keep the endstops on (by default) even when not homing. Vendors are strongly discouraged from using DISABLE_M503. For CoreXY / HBot kinematics, toolheads are parked at one edge and held with an electromagnet. Without this option enabled the nozzle will crash into the bed when homing. With the default PID_dT the PWM frequency is 7.689 Hz, fine for driving a square wave into a resistive load without significant impact on FET heating. True for relative mode; false for absolute mode. #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60 // (mm/s) Initial retract feedrate. Increase SOFT_PWM_SCALE if the frequency is too low. // // #define Z_SAFE_HOMING # if ENABLED(Z_SAFE_HOMING) The BLTouch uses the servo connector and is controlled using specific servo angles. PANELOLU2 LCD with status LEDs, separate encoder and click inputs. Writing this as an amateur RepRapper who initially struggled with getting prints on the center of the bed. The other X and Z axes are OK. In a Dual X-Carriage setup the first x-carriage (T0) homes to the minimum endstop, while the second x-carriage (T1) homes to the maximum endstop. To use flow control, set this buffer size to at least 1024 bytes. Hotend offsets are needed if your extruder has more than one nozzle. The X and Y offsets are specified as integers. The index of the on-board serial port that will be used for primary host communication. This option tells Marlin how many spaces are required to fill up a typical character space in the host font. Fading out leveling also reduces computational requirements and resonance from the Z axis above the fade height.